Objectives of CAIM 2021

CAIM 2021 provides a forum for the review of recent trends in Applied and Industrial Mathematics either from a qualitative or from a numerical point of view. Since theoretical studies find sooner or later their applicability, the conference also has sections for the theoretical branches of Mathematics, like Algebra or Geometry. Computer Science communications are welcome. A special section of the conference is devoted to Mathematical Education. In addition to the research objectives, CAIM 2021 will pay a special attention to the mathematical education of the young people, in a section devoted to this topic.

Conference Sections

  1. Partial Differential Equations;
  2. Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems;
  3. Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Life Science;
  4. Real, Complex, Functional and Numerical Analysis;
  5. Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research;
  6. Algebra, Logic, Geometry;
  7. Computer Science;
  8. Education.

Symposium "New Trends in Mathematics"

This Symposium is dedicated to students. The organizers deeply believe that it is vital to offer to the young people the possibility to debate and communicate their thinking and/or their results in mathematics. The topic is as general as possible, to allow to more mathematical students to participate at the symposium.


The abstracts that contain mathematical formulas shall be written by using LATEX. The abstracts for Sections 1-7 and Symposium shall be written in English, while the abstracts for Section 8 may be written in English or Romanian. All abstracts must be sent by email to the address


The Proceedings of the Conference will be published in ROMAI Journal.
Only the papers accepted after the reviewing process will be published.

Conference Fee

A general fee of 10 EURO (or the equivalent amount, in lei) will be paid by every participant, with two exceptions:
- ROMAI members that have paid their ROMAI member fee up to 2021;
- students participating at Symposium "New Trends in Mathematics" .

Payment methods

Participants are kindly asked to pay the Conference fee either to the account in EURO of ROMAI:
RO19BRDE445SV10137674160, held at BRD-Groupe Société Générale, SWIFT BRDEROBU,
or to the account in RON of ROMAI:
RO23BRDE445SV00031164160, held at BRD-Groupe Société Générale, SWIFT BRDEROBU.